Package-level declarations
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data class Bookmark(val userReference: UserReference, val tags: List<String>, val collections: List<CollectionReference>, val date: LocalDate, val notes: Html, val bookmarkType: BookmarkType)
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interface BookmarksBlurb
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data class CollectionBlurb(val id: String, val name: String, val dateCreated: LocalDate, val isOpen: Boolean, val isModerated: Boolean, val isRevealed: Boolean, val isAnonymous: Boolean, val challenge: ChallengeType, val summary: Html, val maintainers: List<UserReference>)
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data class CollectionInfo(val id: String, val name: String, val dateCreated: LocalDate, val isOpen: Boolean, val isModerated: Boolean, val isUnrevealed: Boolean, val isAnonymous: Boolean, val challenge: ChallengeType, val summary: Html, val maintainers: List<UserReference>, val subcollectionCount: Int, val fandomCount: Int, val workCount: Int, val bookmarkedItemCount: Int)
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data class Comment(val id: Long, val author: UserReference, val chapter: Int, val postedDateTime: LocalDateTime, val body: Html, val commentDepth: Int, val hasHiddenChildren: Boolean = false, val numHiddenChildren: Int = 0)
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data class ExternalWorkBlurb(val id: Long, val title: String, val authors: List<UserReference>, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val rating: Rating, val categories: List<Category>, val fandoms: List<String>, val relationships: List<String>, val characters: List<String>, val freeforms: List<String>, val summary: Html, val bookmarkCount: Int)
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data class ExternalWorkBookmarksBlurb(val externalWorkBlurb: ExternalWorkBlurb, val bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) : BookmarksBlurb
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data class MultiChapterWork(val id: Long, val title: String, val authors: List<UserReference>, val giftees: List<UserReference>, val publishedDate: LocalDate, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val rating: Rating, val warnings: List<Warning>, val categories: List<Category>, val fandoms: List<String>, val relationships: List<String>, val characters: List<String>, val freeforms: List<String>, val summary: Html, val language: Language, val wordCount: Int, val chapterCount: Int, val maxChapterCount: Int, val commentCount: Int, val kudosCount: Int, val bookmarkCount: Int, val hitCount: Int, val preWorkNotes: Html, val postWorkNotes: Html, val workskin: Css, val chapters: List<Chapter>) : Work
Note that MultiChapterWorks may be incomplete.
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data class SeriesBlurb(val id: Long, val title: String, val authors: List<UserReference>, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val ratings: List<Rating>, val warnings: List<Warning>, val categories: List<Category>, val fandoms: List<String>, val relationships: List<String>, val characters: List<String>, val freeforms: List<String>, val summary: Html, val wordCount: Int, val workCount: Int, val bookmarkCount: Int)
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data class SeriesBookmarksBlurb(val seriesBlurb: SeriesBlurb, val bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) : BookmarksBlurb
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data class SeriesInfo(val id: Long, val creators: List<UserReference>, val beginDate: LocalDate, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val description: Html, val notes: Html, val wordCount: Int, val worksCount: Int, val bookmarksCount: Int, val completionStatus: Boolean)
Represents the detailed information of a series. Should be paired with WorkBlurbs when converted from HTML.
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data class SingleChapterWork(val id: Long, val title: String, val authors: List<UserReference>, val giftees: List<UserReference>, val publishedDate: LocalDate, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val rating: Rating, val warnings: List<Warning>, val categories: List<Category>, val fandoms: List<String>, val relationships: List<String>, val characters: List<String>, val freeforms: List<String>, val summary: Html, val language: Language, val wordCount: Int, val chapterCount: Int, val maxChapterCount: Int, val commentCount: Int, val kudosCount: Int, val bookmarkCount: Int, val hitCount: Int, val preWorkNotes: Html, val postWorkNotes: Html, val workskin: Css, val body: Html) : Work
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data class UserReference(val username: String, val pseudonym: String?, val isRegisteredUser: Boolean)
Represents a reference to a user in AO3.
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data class WorkBlurb(val id: Long, val title: String, val authors: List<UserReference>, val giftees: List<UserReference>, val lastUpdatedDate: LocalDate, val rating: Rating, val warnings: List<Warning>, val categories: List<Category>, val fandoms: List<String>, val relationships: List<String>, val characters: List<String>, val freeforms: List<String>, val summary: Html, val language: Language, val wordCount: Int, val chapterCount: Int, val maxChapterCount: Int, val commentCount: Int, val kudosCount: Int, val bookmarkCount: Int, val hitCount: Int)
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data class WorkBookmarksBlurb(val workBlurb: WorkBlurb, val bookmarks: List<Bookmark>) : BookmarksBlurb
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