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Initialising the service

Initialise the service using the default AO3Service.create() factory method like so:

val service = AO3Service.create()

You can also configure the base url used by retrofit as shown below, in case you wish to use okhttp's MockWebServer or anything similar.

val service = AO3Service.create(baseUrl = "<Your URL here>")

If you have an existing OkHttpClient instance, you can pass it to the method like so. A new client will be created from it that shares the same resources with the original client, with all the necessary configurations made. This new client will be used by the service, and the old client may be used by your application as per normal.

val service = AO3Service.create(okHttpClient = existingOkHttpClient)

Additional interceptors, converter factories, and call adapter factories can be passed to the method as lists. They will be added to the retrofit instance during initialisation.

val service = AO3Service.create(interceptors = listOf(interceptor1, interceptor2),
                                converterFactories = listOf(factory1, factory2),
                                callAdapterFactories = listOf(callAdapterFactory))