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Response Handling

The results of all methods in AO3Service are wrapped in an AO3Response, before being returned to the caller. This is done to make error handling easier, as we can handle them programmatically using when statements instead of try-catch statements, which improves readability in your code. An AO3Response can either be a Success or a Failure.


A Success represents a response from the server that successfully fulfills the request. It holds the result in its value field.

We will examine how to process a Success below when retrieving a Work from the Archive. First, we make the network call like so.

val workResponse: AO3Response<WorkConverter.Result> = viewModelScope.launch { service.getWork(id = 12345) }

Next, we will check if the response is a Success, and specify programme behaviour to handle the result in the event of a Success.

when (workResponse) {
    is Success -> {
        val (work, csrf) = workResponse.value
        // Perform your own processing on the work below
        when (work) {
            is SingleChapterWork -> // this is a oneshot
            is MultiChapterOrIncompleteWork -> // this is a multi-chapter/incomplete work
        // Use the CSRF token to comment, give kudos, and login.
    is Failure -> ... // continued in Error Handling

Note that destructuring declarations are used in lieu of WorkConverter.Result for ease of readability. The return types differ for all functions in the interface, so be sure to read the API reference for each return type.


A Failure is returned when the operation is unsuccessful (i.e. the request cannot be fulfilled for some reason). It encapsulates the error encountered in its error field as one of the subtypes of AO3Error.

We show an example of how to process a Failure in the context of retrieving a Work from the Archive below. The process is the same for other operations, albeit with different types of errors for different operations.

// continued from above
is Failure -> {
    when (response.error) {
        is ConnectionError -> // retry
        is NotFoundError -> // handle 404
        is NotLoggedInError -> // prompt user for login
        // etc...
        else -> // use some generic error handling strategy