Collections Filter Parameters
data class CollectionsFilterParameters(val sortCriterion: CollectionsSortCriterion = CollectionsSortCriterion.DATE_CREATED, val sortDirection: SortDirection = SortDirection.DESCENDING, val titleSearchTerm: String = "", val fandom: String = "", val isClosed: Boolean? = null, val isModerated: Boolean? = null, val collectionChallengeType: ChallengeType? = null) : AbstractMap<String, String>
Represents the additional filter parameters for browsing collections.
All the parameters appear in the filter page; browse AO3 for more details. The default values are set to match AO3's defaults.
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constructor(sortCriterion: CollectionsSortCriterion = CollectionsSortCriterion.DATE_CREATED, sortDirection: SortDirection = SortDirection.DESCENDING, titleSearchTerm: String = "", fandom: String = "", isClosed: Boolean? = null, isModerated: Boolean? = null, collectionChallengeType: ChallengeType? = null)